Auto and Personal Injury in Charlotte NC

When you’ve been in an auto accident or had a personal injury in Charlotte NC, there are so many thoughts going through your mind…
- How serious is it?
- Will I get better?
- Who do I call?
- Who is going to pay for my care?
Drs. Christopher Beller and Myriam Hirsch at Complete Healthcare have many years of experience helping people just like you recover from accidents and resume their normal activities. Drs. Beller and Hirsch use proven, effective chiropractic care and therapy and provide the follow-up support you need for long-term improvement and a higher quality of life.
We do more
We know that your accident is just that – an accident. It was not planned or expected and the care you receive may represent a substantial financial hardship. If so, we’re here to help.
As part of our ongoing concern for your overall health and as a partner in your recovery, Complete Healthcare may not require any payment from you until your case is settled. We may be able to accept payment from the at-fault party’s insurance, your automobile medical payment benefits (MedPay) or your insurance benefits. We also accept all personal injury attorney liens. By doing this, you can relieve yourself of the financial burden and focus on getting faster.
If you’ve been injured in an auto accident or suffered any type of personal injuries, such as a “slip and fall,” a workplace accident, or an accident on someone else’s property, take the easy road to recovery by working with the team that will work with you.
Personalized care in Charlotte NC
No two auto accident or personal injury cases are the same. That’s why you need the experience of Drs. Beller and Hirsch for the caring, effective chiropractic care and therapy to treat:
- Back or hip pain
- Whiplash and other painful neck injuries
- Shoulder, wrist, and knee injuries
- Radiating arm or leg pain
- Persistent headaches or chronic pain after an injury
- Injuries from assault
- Injuries occurring while on someone else’s property, public or private
There’s another reason to see us today...
Many times, particularly after auto accidents, injuries may not reveal themselves until days, weeks, or even months later. The consequences of injuries such as concussions, whiplash, and soft tissue injuries are notorious for their delay in appearing.
So if you’ve been in an auto accident or have been the victim of a personal injury, it is important to see us today, even if you feel good.
Complete Healthcare works with many attorneys to provide the fast, reliable rehabilitation their clients need. And if you do not have an attorney, we have a wide network of resources here in Charlotte and can help you find the legal expertise you need.
Charlotte NC Trusted Chiropractic Office
For over 20 years, the doctors and staff at Complete Healthcare have worked hard to provide prompt, effective relief for relief of injuries due to auto accidents. We’re respected and trusted because we provide more. At Complete Healthcare, we strive to make your visit special by:
- Seeing you the same day
- Minimizing your wait time
- Greeting you in a friendly, caring manner
- Conducting a thorough examination in a comfortable environment
- Providing a detailed analysis of our findings
- Creating a treatment plan for your approval to help you get out of pain and back work and play
Complete Healthcare is advanced, convenient, and thorough
We perform X-rays on-site so you avoid the time and trouble of visiting a radiologist or clinic for these important tests.
Our complete healthcare treatments can help you get relief from:
• Low Arthritis/joint pain • Arm Pain • Pinched Nerves • Neck Pain • Joint & Muscle Pain • Numbness & Tingling • TMJ • Headaches • Arthritis • Shoulder Pain • Leg/Hip Pain • Carpal Tunnel • Whiplash • Disc Problems • Sprains • Strains
We treat these chronic and acute conditions, and more, with proven techniques such as:
• Spinal decompression • Therapeutic exercise • Stretches • Traction • Ice packs • Spinal adjustments • Electrotherapy • Mechanical massage units to alleviate muscular pain symptoms • Low-Level Laser Light Therapy (LLLT)
Your first visit will include a complete evaluation. Many of our patients have told us that they have never had such a thorough evaluation.
And… We can see you today! To schedule a free consultation, please call: (704) 510-1510
10:00am - 7:00pm
2:00pm - 7:00pm
10:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 7:00pm
10:00am - 2:30pm
Saturday & Sunday
Complete Healthcare
8420 Medical Plaza Dr Suite 400
Charlotte, NC 28262